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Maestro Ricardo Calderoni

Maestro, Composer and Classic Guitarist, Ricardo Calderoni, is constantly performing in Latin America, Europe and the United States, in theaters like: Carnegie Hall; Kennedy Center W.D.C .; Celebrity Center- Los Angeles, Sala Sao Paulo, Auditório Ibirapuera, Philharmonie - Ukraine; and City Hall - Finland.
He is the Conductor and Artistic Director of the Humanitas Symphony Orchestra and Chorus.
Has received several awards, such as "Best International Concert 2015" - Conductor and Composer - Folha de São Paulo; and the International Prize USA / EU Award for Excellence in Composition from the National Academy of Music (USA).
He is President at the League of Brazilian Orchestras and Chorus. Works frequently with important Brazilian orchestras such as the Symphonic Orchestra of Porto Alegre; OSTNCS National Theater Symphony Orchestra; Symphonic Orchestra of Campinas, USP Symphony Orchestra, - OSUSP; and Youth Symphony Orchestra of the State of São Paulo.
Among the most recent works in musicals are Leonard Bernstein's West Side Story, with the Cláudio Santoro National Theater Symphony Orchestra in Brasilia, and Musical Life is a Dream in New York.

Grammy award winner Oratorio Society of New York performed in the world premiere of his composition for Chorus, Four Soloists and Orchestra. He was the first composer in the history of music to compose a Double Concerto for Classical Guitar, Clarinet and Orchestra. He conducted the Humanitas Camerata and musicians from the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra in Hollywood.


Works as Guest Conductor and Composer in Residence at the National Theatre Symphony Orchestra - Brazil.
He is Partner and Director at Brazil Cultural Productions, developing international projects and promoting Brazilian music and culture.


Founded and  Directed, at the CCJ Cultural Center, two annual series of concerts: Music Without Borders, with great soloists and orchestra; and Jazz at Sunset: Homage to the Great Names of Universal Music.
He is Executive Director of the Festival of Contemporary Composers of São Paulo, with participants from 15 countries.
He is Executive Director in Socio-Cultural Projects, such as the International Film Festival; Locomotive Project, teaching orchestral music and creating orchestras for underprivigiled children; and teaching the Art of Lutheria, in places of high social vulnerability, via the Program of Cultural Action of the State of São Paulo - ProAC - ICMS.
Promotes orchestral performances with international soloists and conductors, in cooperation with several embassies, such as USA, Canada, Austria, Israel, Slovenia, Costa Rica and others in Brazil; besides the Brazilian Embassy in WDC, Consulate of Brazil in New York, among others abroad.
He is the curator of the spectacle "Who's Afraid of Classical Music?", a project originally created for children, which has been enthusiastically received by adults as well.


Teaches harmony, counterpoint, history of music, musical theory, choral singing, classical guitar, composition and conducting.
He teaches postgraduate courses at UNIFOR and works as a coach for leaders in various business segments.


Completed 3 baccalaureate courses: Conducting, Classic Guitar and Classical Music Composition. He holds a Master's degree in New York - Master's in Music Theory and Composition - New York University. He later completed his postgraduate studies with George Stelluto, Vicent La Selva and Otto-Werner Mueller at the Juilliard School of Music.


Bachelor of Business Administration from Mackenzie University.

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